Suicide Prevention

Zero Suicide Partners of Pinellas (ZSPoP) was established in 2017 by the Pinellas County Behavioral Health System of Care as a collective impact project. ZSPoP brings together over 35 different organizations, agencies, and groups with the common mission to end suicide in Pinellas County. In 2017, ZSPoP began implementing the transformational Zero Suicide framework to increase assessment, direct treatment, and comprehensive support throughout Pinellas County, for individuals experiencing suicidal thoughts and/or behaviors. The national framework uses the aspirational term Zero Suicide to emphasize that even one life lost to suicide is too many.
It takes all of us, doing what we can, to end suicide in Pinellas County. To learn more about how to join us, and lend your voice in helping create a community without suicide, visit www.zerosuicidepinellas.org. For 24/7 free and confitential crisis support call, text, or chat 988.